Green Fire Pointer

Minggu, 18 Maret 2012

No Woman No Cry

No, woman, no cry;
No, woman, no cry;
No, woman, no cry;
No, woman, no cry.

'Cause - 'cause - 'cause I remember when a we used to sit
In a government yard in Trenchtown,
Oba - obaserving the 'ypocrites - yeah! -
Mingle with the good people we meet, yeah!
Good friends we have, oh, good friends we have lost
Along the way, yeah!
In this great future, you can't forget your past;
So dry your tears, I seh. Yeah!

No, woman, no cry;
No, woman, no cry. Eh, yeah!
A little darlin', don't shed no tears:
No, woman, no cry. Eh!

Said - said - said I remember when we used to sit
In the government yard in Trenchtown, yeah!
And then Georgie would make the fire lights,
I seh, logwood burnin' through the nights, yeah!
Then we would cook cornmeal porridge, say,
Of which I'll share with you, yeah!
My feet is my only carriage
And so I've got to push on through.
Oh, while I'm gone,
Everything's gonna be all right!
Everything's gonna be all right!
Everything's gonna be all right, yeah!
Everything's gonna be all right!
Everything's gonna be all right-a!
Everything's gonna be all right!
Everything's gonna be all right, yeah!
Everything's gonna be all right!

So no, woman, no cry;
No, woman, no cry.
I seh, O little - O little darlin', don't shed no tears;
No, woman, no cry, eh.

No, woman - no, woman - no, woman, no cry;
No, woman, no cry.
One more time I got to say:
O little - little darlin', please don't shed no tears;
No, woman, no cry. 

Beberapa Lagu Bob marly yang di Minati

Lagu Marley

-Redemption Song

Old pirates, yes, they rob I;
Sold I to the merchant ships,
Minutes after they took I
From the bottomless pit.
But my hand was made strong
By the 'and of the Almighty.
We forward in this generation
Won't you help to sing
These songs of freedom? -
'Cause all I ever have:
Redemption songs;
Redemption songs.

Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery;
None but ourselves can free our minds.
Have no fear for atomic energy,
'Cause none of them can stop the time.
How long shall they kill our prophets,
While we stand aside and look? Ooh!
Some say it's just a part of it:
We've got to fulfil de book.

Won't you help to sing
These songs of freedom? -
'Cause all I ever have:
Redemption songs;
Redemption songs;
Redemption songs.
/Guitar break/
Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery;
None but ourselves can free our mind.
Wo! Have no fear for atomic energy,
'Cause none of them-a can-a stop-a the time.
How long shall they kill our prophets,
While we stand aside and look?
Yes, some say it's just a part of it:
We've got to fulfil de book.
Won't you help to sing
Dese songs of freedom? -
'Cause all I ever had:
Redemption songs -
All I ever had:
Redemption songs:
These songs of freedom,
Songs of freedom.

-One Love
One love, one heart

Let's get together and feel all right

Hear the children crying (One love)

Hear the children crying (One heart)

Sayin', "Give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel all right."

Sayin', "Let's get together and feel all right."

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

Let them all pass all their dirty remarks (One love)

There is one question I'd really love to ask (One heart)

Is there a place for the hopeless sinner

Who has hurt all mankind just to save his own?

Believe me

One love, one heart

Let's get together and feel all right
As it was in the beginning (One love)
So shall it be in the end (One heart)
Alright, "Give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel all right."
"Let's get together and feel all right."
One more thing

Let's get together to fight this Holy Armageddon (One love)
So when the Man comes there will be no, no doom (One song)
Have pity on those whose chances grow thinner
There ain't no hiding place from the Father of Creation

Sayin', "One love, one heart
Let's get together and feel all right."
I'm pleading to mankind (One love)
Oh, Lord (One heart) Whoa.

"Give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel all right."
Let's get together and feel all right.

-Bufallo Soldier

Buffalo Soldier, Dreadlock Rasta:
There was a Buffalo Soldier in the heart of America,
Stolen from Africa, brought to America,
Fighting on arrival, fighting for survival.

I mean it, when I analyze the stench -
To me it makes a lot of sense:
How the Dreadlock Rasta was the Buffalo Soldier,
And he was taken from Africa, brought to America,
Fighting on arrival, fighting for survival.

Said he was a Buffalo Soldier, Dreadlock Rasta -
Buffalo Soldier in the heart of America.

If you know your history,
Then you would know where you coming from,
Then you wouldn't have to ask me,
Who the 'eck do I think I am.

I'm just a Buffalo Soldier in the heart of America,
Stolen from Africa, brought to America,
Said he was fighting on arrival, fighting for survival;
Said he was a Buffalo Soldier win the war for America.

Dreadie, woy yoy yoy, woy yoy-yoy yoy,
Woy yoy yoy yoy, yoy yoy-yoy yoy!
Woy yoy yoy, woy yoy-yoy yoy,
Woy yoy yoy yoy, yoy yoy-yoy yoy!
Buffalo Soldier troddin' through the land, wo-ho-ooh!
Said he wanna ran, then you wanna hand,
Troddin' through the land, yea-hea, yea-ea.

Said he was a Buffalo Soldier win the war for America;
Buffalo Soldier, Dreadlock Rasta,
Fighting on arrival, fighting for survival;
Driven from the mainland to the heart of the Caribbean.

Singing, woy yoy yoy, woy yoy-yoy yoy,
Woy yoy yoy yoy, yoy yoy-yoy yoy!
Woy yoy yoy, woy yoy-yoy yoy,
Woy yoy yoy yoy, yoy yoy-yoy yoy!

Troddin' through San Juan in the arms of America;
Troddin' through Jamaica, a Buffalo Soldier# -
Fighting on arrival, fighting for survival:
Buffalo Soldier, Dreadlock Rasta.

Woy yoy yoy, woy yoy-yoy yoy,
Woy yoy yoy yoy, yoy yoy-yoy yoy!
Woy yoy yoy, woy yoy-yoy yoy,
Woy yoy yoy yoy, yoy yoy-yoy yoy! /fadeout/


Kapten Norval Sinclair Marley adalah seseorang yang berperawakan kecil. Ia adalah seorang pengawas tanah perusahaan Crown Lands, milik Pemerintahan Inggris yang telah menjajah Jamaika sejak tahun 1660-an yang terletak sebelah utara pulau itu. Pangkat yang disandangnya ia dapat saat menjadi komandan markas di Resimen British Hindia Barat. Suatu saat ia bertemu dengan Cendella, seorang wanita pribumi yang telah mamikat hatinya pada saat dia sedang berkunjung ke distrik Nine Miles. Hubungan mereka menjadi pergunjingan warga setempat karena Ras.

Pada Mei 1944 cedella mengejutkan keluarganya karena hamil. Sehingga pada hari jumat dilaksanakanlah pernikahan antara Norval dengan Cendella dan sehari setelah pernikahan mereka, Cendella diungsikan ke Kingston agar tidak tercorek namanya sebagai ahli waris keluarganya.

Dan akhirnya Cendella melahirkan seorang anak yang diberi nama Robert Nesta Marley yang lahir pada pukul 2.30, Rabu Februari 1945 dengan bobot enam setengan pon (3.25 kg) di Nine Miles. Konon pada malam kelahirannya, banyak orang melihat beberapa meteor jatuh, yang menurut keyakinannya akan lahir seorang tokoh besar.

Pada tahun 1950 Cendella pindah ke Trench Town – Kingston. Marley mulay berinteraksi dengan geng-geng jalanan yang kemudian berlanjut menjadi gerombolan bernama “The Rudeboys. Walaupun berperawakan kecil seperti ayahnya, tapi karena kekuatannya ia dijuluki “Tuff Gong”.

Setelah Marley drop out dari sekolahnya ia mulai tertarik dengan musik. Pada awal 1962 Bob Marley, Bunny Livingstone, Peter Mcintosh, Junior Braithwaite, Beverley Kelso dan Cherry Smith membentuk grup ska & rocksteady dengan nama “The Teenager” yang nantinya berubah menjadi The Wailing Rudeboys dan berganti lagi menjadi The Wailing Wailer dan akhirnya menjadi The Wailers.

Pada tahun 1977, Bob Marley divonis terkena kanker kulit, namun disembunyikan dari publik. Bob Marley kembali ke Jamaica tahun 1978, dan mengeluarkan SURVIVAL pada tahun 1979 diikuti oleh kesuksesan tur keliling Eropa.

Bob Marley melakukan 2 pertunjukan di Madison Square Garden dalam rangka merengkuh warga kulit hitam di Amerika Serikat. Namun pada tanggal 21 September 1980, Bob Marley pingsan saat jogging di NYC’s Central Park. Kankernya telah menyebar sampai otak, paru-paru dan lambung. Penyanyi reggae inipun akhirnya menghembuskan nafas terakhirnya di Miami Hospital pada 11 Mei 1981 di usia 36 tahun, dengan meninggalkan seorang istri dan 5 orang anak.